Winning Ways Within

Top 20 Questions About Hypnosis Hypnotherapy

The top 20 questions that the general public needs to know about hypnosis hypnotherapy.

Welcome to our programme.

Today, we have the privilege of interviewing Martin Kiely who is a professional hypnotist, hypnotherapist, to shed light on the fascinating world of hypnosis hypnotherapy.

Martin is a Board-Certified Hypnotist, and Certified Instructor, with the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), who are the oldest and largest hypnotism organization in the world.

He has been in full time practice in Cork, Ireland, since 1989, and maintains a highly successful hypnosis hypnotherapy practice, and professional hypnotism training centre, approved by the National Guild of Hypnotists.

Let us delve right in and ask Martin the top 20 questions that the general public needs to know about hypnosis  hypnotherapy.

1. What is hypnosis, and how would you define it in simple terms for someone who has never encountered it before?

Hypnosis is a natural state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility. It is often induced through relaxation techniques and guided imagery. In this state, individuals are more receptive to suggestions, allowing them to tap into their subconscious mind and make positive changes.

2. Is hypnosis a valid therapeutic technique, and if so, what are some common applications or conditions it can help with?

Yes, hypnosis is a valid therapeutic technique backed by scientific research. There are many published research outcomes and findings on the efficacy of hypnosis, freely available online, – simply Google “Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Research Outcomes”.

What I do is make hypnosis hypnotherapy easy for people so they can eliminate negative thoughts, false beliefs and the negative impact of past failures that have been holding them back.

Procrastination, poor habits, and self-sabotage get in the way of success. I help people who become so blocked and have no idea how to get unstuck and moving forward.

Hypnosis, hypnotherapy, can be beneficial for various issues such as:

  • Reaching professional performance goals
  • Reducing negative unwanted habits, Stop Smoking
  • Elevate self-confidence
  • Boost motivation for physical exercise
  • Reducing unnecessary worry and stress
  • Managing pain
  • Weight management
  • Sleep Improvement
  • Enhance Sports Performance
  • Overcoming exam related apprehension

3. How does hypnosis work? Are there any scientific explanations or theories behind it?

The exact mechanisms of hypnosis are still being explored, but there are several theories. One prominent theory suggests that hypnosis bypasses the critical conscious mind and directly influences the subconscious mind, where beliefs, emotions, and habits are stored. This allows for the possibility of altering limiting beliefs and behaviours.

4. Can anyone be hypnotized, or are there specific individuals who are more susceptible to hypnosis?

While the majority of individuals can be hypnotized, the level of responsiveness may vary. Some people are naturally more receptive to hypnosis, while others may require more practice or specific techniques. However, it is important to note that willingness and openness play a significant role in the success of hypnosis.

5. Is hypnosis safe? Are there any risks or potential side effects associated with undergoing hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis, when practiced by a trained professional, is generally safe. It is a non-invasive and natural approach. However, it is essential to consult with a qualified hypnotherapist to ensure your safety and well-being. Occasionally, individuals may experience emotional release or temporary feelings of drowsiness, but these are typically transient and part of the hypnosis change process.

6. How long does a typical hypnotherapy session last, and how many sessions are usually needed to achieve the desired results?

The duration of a hypnotherapy session can vary, but a typical session lasts between an hour to 1.5 hours. The number of sessions required depends on various factors, including the individual’s goals, complexity of the issue, and their responsiveness to hypnosis. Some individuals may experience positive changes in a short period, while others may require more than one or two sessions.

7. Are there different types or approaches to hypnosis, and if so, what are some of the most well-known ones?

Yes, there are different approaches to hypnosis. Some commonly known types include: Elman Hypnosis, Ericksonian hypnosis, solution Focused Hypnotherapy, cognitive-behavioural hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and Self-Hypnosis. Each approach has its unique methods and techniques. Depending on the practitioner, they may use some, most, or all of the approaches. But the goal remains the same—to facilitate positive change in the individual’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.

8. Can hypnosis be used for self-improvement or personal development, such as enhancing focus, overcoming bad habits, or boosting confidence?

Absolutely! Hypnosis is an effective tool for self-improvement and personal development. By accessing the subconscious mind, it becomes possible to address and modify limiting beliefs, break free from destructive habits, improve focus and concentration, enhance self-confidence, and unleash one’s full potential. This is why hypnosis can be highly effective with athletes and sports people.

9. What is the role of the hypnotherapist during a session? How do they guide and support the individual being hypnotized?

The hypnotherapist’s role is to create a safe and supportive environment. They guide individuals into a state of relaxation and focus, using calming techniques and suggestions tailored to the individual’s goals. Throughout the session, the hypnotist hypnotherapist provides verbal cues, affirmations, and positive suggestions to facilitate the desired changes while ensuring the individual’s well-being.

10. Can you explain the difference between hypnotherapy and stage hypnosis? Are they fundamentally different practices?

Yes, hypnotherapy and stage hypnosis are fundamentally different practices. Hypnotherapy is a beneficial approach used to address personal issues and facilitate positive changes in an individual’s life. It is conducted in a controlled and private setting, with the primary focus being the individual’s well-being.

On the other hand, stage hypnosis is performed for entertainment purposes, typically in public settings. The stage hypnotist selects participants from the audience and uses hypnosis to create amusing or entertaining situations. However, it’s important to note that stage hypnosis participants are still willing volunteers and are not under the control of the hypnotist.

11. How can individuals distinguish between a qualified and reputable hypnotherapist and someone who may not have the necessary expertise?

Choosing a qualified and reputable hypnotherapist is essential. Look for a hypnotherapist who has received proper training and credentials from a recognized hypnosis organization. Additionally, consider their experience, client testimonials, and any specialized areas of expertise they may have. It’s also crucial to feel comfortable and trust your intuition when selecting a hypnotherapist.

12. What are some common misconceptions or myths about hypnosis hypnotherapy that you often encounter, and how would you address them?

There are several misconceptions about hypnosis hypnotherapy that persist. One common myth is that individuals can be controlled or made to do things against their will during hypnosis. In reality, hypnosis is a collaborative process, and individuals are fully aware of their actions. They remain in control and will not do anything that contradicts their morals or values.

Another misconception is that hypnosis is a form of sleep or unconsciousness. In truth, individuals in hypnosis are in a state of focused awareness and heightened suggestibility. They are fully capable of hearing and responding to the hypnotherapist’s instructions.

13. Can hypnosis be effective in addressing chronic pain or managing physical discomfort? What are the mechanisms behind it?

Yes, hypnosis can be effective in managing chronic pain and physical discomfort. By accessing the subconscious mind, hypnosis can help modulate pain perception, promote relaxation, and stimulate the release of endorphins — natural pain-relieving chemicals in the body. Additionally, hypnosis can address emotional factors associated with pain and facilitate coping strategies, enhancing overall well-being.

14. Is it possible to retrieve lost memories or uncover repressed experiences through hypnosis? What are the ethical considerations involved in this process?

While hypnosis can be used to explore memories, it is important to approach memory retrieval with caution and ethical considerations. Memories recalled under hypnosis are subjective and can be influenced by suggestions or unconscious biases. Therefore, it is essential to work with a qualified hypnotherapist who follows ethical guidelines and prioritizes the well-being and integrity of the individual.

15. Can hypnosis be used to overcome fears, phobias, or traumas? Are there any limitations or prerequisites for this type of personal growth?

Yes, hypnosis is commonly used to address fears, phobias, and traumas. By accessing the subconscious mind, hypnosis can help identify the root causes of these issues and facilitate the process of healing, personal growth and transformation. However, severe traumas may require additional therapeutic approaches in conjunction with hypnosis. It is crucial to work with a skilled hypnotherapist who specializes in these areas and understands the complexities involved.

16. Are there any contraindications or individuals who should avoid hypnotherapy due to certain medical or psychological conditions?

Hypnotherapy is generally safe for most individuals. However, there are certain medical or psychological conditions that may require caution or contraindicate hypnosis. These may include epilepsy, severe mental health disorders, personality disorders, or individuals under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional or qualified hypnotherapist to determine the suitability of hypnotherapy for specific conditions.

17. How can someone prepare themselves for a hypnosis hypnotherapy session? Are there any specific instructions or recommendations they should follow?

Preparing for a hypnosis hypnotherapy session involves creating a conducive environment for relaxation and focus. It is recommended to dress comfortably, find a quiet and comfortable space, and minimize distractions. Following any instructions provided by the hypnotherapist, such as refraining from caffeine or alcohol before the session, can also be beneficial. Maintaining an open mind, positive attitude, and willingness to participate are essential elements for a successful hypnosis session.

18. What are some potential long-term effects of hypnosis hypnotherapy? Can the benefits obtained during sessions extend beyond the immediate treatment period?

The long-term effects of hypnosis hypnotherapy can be profound and transformative. By addressing underlying beliefs and patterns at the subconscious level, individuals may experience lasting positive changes in their thoughts, behaviours, and emotional well-being. The benefits obtained during hypnosis hypnotherapy sessions can extend beyond the immediate treatment period, supporting individuals in leading more fulfilling and empowered lives.

19. Is it possible to learn self-hypnosis techniques and practice them independently? Are there any resources or tools available for individuals interested in exploring this?

Yes, it is possible to learn self-hypnosis techniques and practice them independently. Self-hypnosis empowers individuals to utilize hypnosis for their personal growth and well-being. There are various resources available, including books, online courses, and guided audio recordings specifically designed to teach self-hypnosis techniques. Working with a qualified hypnotherapist initially can provide a strong foundation before transitioning to self-practice.

Any individual who is ready to unlock the power of their subconscious mind and transform their life can do so with personalized self-hypnosis audios, tailored specifically to their unique needs and goals. I invite him to check out my self-hypnosis audios: Winning Ways Within at

20. Finally, what advice or words of encouragement would you give to someone who is considering hypnosis as a therapeutic option?

If you are considering hypnosis as an option for personal growth, I would encourage you to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to embrace positive change. Seek out a qualified and reputable hypnotherapist who resonates with you and your specific needs. Remember that hypnosis is a collaborative process, and your active participation is crucial for successful outcomes. Trust in your own inner resources and the transformative potential of hypnosis to support you on your journey toward personal growth and well-being.

Martin Kiely is a Board-Certified Hypnotist, and Certified Instructor, with the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), who are the oldest and largest hypnotism organization in the world.

He has been in full time practice in Cork, Ireland, since 1989, and maintains a highly successful hypnosis hypnotherapy practice, and professional hypnotism training centre, approved by the National Guild of Hypnotists.

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Do You Worry Too Much About What Others Think?

We all worry. Some people worry too much about what others think. They spend their time with people they don’t like or avoid people because they fear any repercussions. They struggle to make decisions, even simple ones. Instead, they change their position as a response to any criticism. They hesitate to share what’s on their minds or believe others are upset with them when that isn’t true. Does any of that sound familiar to you? Then you may worry too much about what others think.

How to Stop Worrying about Others’ Opinions

Focusing on what others think can prevent you from enjoying personal and professional success. If you fall into this pit of despair, here is what you can do to turn things around:  😟 

1. Accept that people will have an opinion about you: We all make judgments. Some are correct; others are not. When you accept that people will draw conclusions, even if they are incorrect, you are in a better position to let their critiques roll off.

2. Remember that people care less about you than you think. It seems a harsh statement, but it is accurate. Most people are more concerned about their own feelings and situation than how you stumbled over your sentences during a business presentation. More than likely, they have fewer opinions of you than you realize.

3. Understand that hurt people will hurt people. Life’s circumstances affect us all and how we respond to people. Even if you try your best to be kind and considerate of others, someone will judge you. Their judgment comes from their beliefs and reflects where they are coming from. When you realize this, you gain the opportunity to become more compassionate with others.

4. Own up to mistakes but don’t live in the shame. Shame has a way of making us ignore our errors. Who wants to admit that they screwed up? However, it’s better to get the embarrassment over with than to wallow in it. Admit your mistake and get on with life.

5. Find your heroes and refer back to them. Find those people you admire who have faced and overcame similar fears, and focus on them. Learn more about how they faced down the odds and overcame the obstacles in their lives. Their inspiration can help you through your tough times.

6. Surround yourself with those that love and support you. Look around you. Who are those who see your strengths (and weaknesses) and love you just the same? Build your relationships, and if something seems a little off, don’t be afraid to ask them about it. It will help strengthen your relationship.


Refuse to let the worry of others’ opinions stop you from the success you deserve.  

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How Fear of Failure Holds Us Back From Success

You want to be successful. You do all the ‘things’ to get there, from reading the right books to listening to self-improvement podcasts to reciting daily affirmations. But why haven’t you found success yet? What is holding you back? In a word: fear. We all face it throughout our lifetimes. Yet, some can overcome their fears and become wildly successful. Why aren’t you?

How Fear of Failure Prevents Our Success – and How to Stop It

You have to determine not to let fear hold you back for those wanting a successful career, business, family, or whatever. Here is how to recognize when you are allowing fear to have its way and how you can combat it: 

1. You lack excitement to try new things. Are you the friend who goes to the same restaurant and orders the same meal every time? Do you choose your battles so that you ensure you will always succeed? The reality is your fear of failure is holding you back. Next time, try saying ‘yes’ before letting fear take control, and then follow through. Sure, you might not like that new recipe, but there is always a chance you will. 

2. There is nothing wrong with working a nine-to-five job. It gives you a steady paycheck and consistency. The problem comes when the fear of leaving your comfort zone is too great, so you accept less than you deserve. You’ve grown complacent and will accept ‘existing’ over ‘living.’ If this is you, it’s time to have a heart-to-heart with yourself and take stock of your life. Are you happy with where you are in life? What do you want to change? Now, decide on five steps to make that change.

3. You continually make excuses. You probably have a laundry list of reasons you cannot lose weight, start a business, or reach some other goal. We all have 24 hours a day. How you spend them will make a difference in how successful you become. Try putting your phone away or turning off the television for one hour every day. Use the time to focus on your goal. Soon, your efforts will pay off.

4. You compare yourself to others’ successes and failures. Consider how you view someone who has become wildly successful. Next, think about how you react when someone fails miserably. This observation will reveal how you assess your own success. Learn from others, but focus on your internal growth while on your path to success.  

Success is a journey that will have its ups and downs, but those who overcome their fears will be the ones to attain the prize.

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How You Can Address Self-Doubt Once and For All

Do you lack confidence in yourself or your abilities? Do you feel like this holds you back from achieving the success you desire? You may be struggling with self-doubt. This nemesis of success lies in waiting to remind you that you aren’t good enough, even after reaching your goal. It wants you to quit and keep the status quo, but you don’t have to give in to your self-doubt. You can overcome it to reach anything you set your mind to.

6 Key Steps to Thwart Self-Doubt

Many suffer from Imposter Syndrome when seeking success. It can stop them in their tracks. Are you ready to kick self-doubt to the curb once and for all? Great! Here’s how you can do it:  📉 

1. Decide not to make excuses. When you start to doubt things, it is easy to give in to the emotions and rationalize why something is not working out as you planned. Look at what is happening and what you can do to change things-no more excuses. Just move forward. 

2. Give yourself the gift of self-compassion. You are your own worst critic. Instead of chastising yourself over a mistake and then letting it hold you back, change how you talk to yourself. Use affirmations to encourage yourself and overcome negative self-talk.

3. Review your previous accomplishments. Sometimes, you forget all the great things you have previously done. Remember winning the talent show? What about that promotion you worked hard to achieve? Your past accomplishments remind you of what you are capable of doing. Embrace them. Learn from them.

4. Stop playing the ‘Comparison Game.’ The easiest way to increase your self-doubt is to compare yourself to others. Everyone is on their own journey, and no two look the same. You can learn from others that may apply to your goals, but it should stop there if you want to overcome self-doubt.

5. Make a decision and jump in. Often we let doubt stop us from making a decision. If you fall into this trap, understand that not making a decision is still making a decision, even if it is living a stagnant life. Go ahead and make the decision and course-correct as needed. At least you will be making progress on your goals that lead to your success.

6. Surround yourself will supportive people. It helps to have a core group of people that help you feel good and are willing to cheer you on. The encouragement bolsters your self-confidence, which pushes self-doubt out of the way.

Kick self-doubt out of your life for good. A more confident you makes a more successful you.

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How to Stop Planning and Start Acting

Planners like to plan. It brings them comfort and helps them feel they are in control. Yet, the best-laid plans are not worth much if you never act. If you like to plan but hesitate to execute, your chances of reaching success are limited. Sure, you may finally reach your goal – someday – but you will get there faster if you stop planning and start doing. 

5 Steps Act on Your Plans  📆 

Getting stuck in the planning rut is not fun nor productive. The reasons you may do this range from fear to perfectionism. Are you ready to stop the merry-go-round of endless planning futility and make your dreams a reality? Use these steps to move from plan to action: 

1. Look at how you spend your time. If you are in the midst of planning a project, pay attention to how long you have spent preparing it. Has it been a few hours? Days? Weeks? Months? Once you know where you are spending time, you can begin the process of switching from planning to action.

2. Monitor what you consume. You need to stop consuming content at some point and start doing. It’s easy to get lost down Internet rabbit holes in your research and planning. You can alleviate any time-wasting by being intentional about what you are looking for and setting a time limit on how long you will spend doing it.

3. Accept that no plan will ever be perfect. Waiting to develop the ideal plan will leave you waiting for a very long time. Plan to the best of your abilities and then leap into implementation. Treat your plan as a roadmap to refer to, not a commandment set in stone from which you can never deviate.

4. Break big projects down to bite-sized steps. Sometimes, your plans may seem more like mountains to be scaled. That can be terrifying and stop you from taking the next step. It’s okay to take a little time and break a more extensive project into smaller steps that you can handle easily.

5. Just start. This may be the hardest step to take, but you need to at some point. When all else is done, and you have no more excuses, act. Look for what you can do in the next five minutes and do it. You will feel better, and you might feel the momentum build to take another and another. Now, you’re on your way to achieving goals and reaching success!

Remember, it’s okay to step out from behind the plans and implement them. You will gain so much more confidence when you do.  😄 

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