
The 3 W’s of Reaching Any Goal

You have a goal in mind, but that’s all you have. Creating, working towards, and reaching goals is not easy. The journey is often different for everyone. However, there are three parts of achieving every goal that is always the same. Defining the 3 W’s of your goal will allow you to work toward it without losing sight of the big picture.


1. What

What do you want? What is your goal? You need to be specific: I want to run a half marathon. I want to write a novel. Explicitly, naming your goal and writing it out will give power to it and will allow you to mentally focus in on what you are trying to achieve. Clearly defined goals are easier to work towards. Writing out your target has the added benefit of making the goal real, as opposed to a foggy idea floating in your mind.


2. When

When do you want to achieve your goal? What is your timeframe? Once you have an overall time frame, you can dive into the milestones that you will need to hit along the way and put time limits on those. Doing this will give you benchmarks on which you can measure your progress. Measuring your progress in increments will also keep your spirits up when you are in the muck of the middle. You will be able to look back and say, I’m halfway there.


3. Why

Why is this your goal? Why do you want to do it? Your why is your everything. Your reasoning should be personal and not something you will be easily swayed from. If you’re going to run a half marathon merely for the glory, you may want to dig a little deeper. Running a half isn’t easy, and in the middle of every training session, it will just be you and your legs. Having a strong why will also come in handy when you lack external support. Having a reliable support system of family and friends makes achieving any goal easier, but sometimes you won’t have that backing.


You have your what, your when, and your why. Write down each of these and revisit the W’s when times get tough. You should especially revisit your why daily. It will remind you why you started, why you are continuing, and what awaits you at the end of your long journey. Setting and achieving goals is not for the weak of heart, but if your heart is in it, the process will be much less daunting.




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Using Self-hypnosis or Positive Affirmations to Combat Stress

Many people use Self-hypnosis or Positive Affirmations for personal development and to help them meet their life goals. But did you know you can use self-hypnosis and affirmations to build resilience and combat stress?


Whether it’s a one-off stress like having to give a presentation or an ongoing stressful issue, you can create the right affirmations and suggestions to support you through. Affirmations and the appropriate self-hypnosis audio will help you deal better with current stress, and over time, prevent future anxiety.


1. Know Your Negative Enemy

Identifying your negative thoughts is the first step in working out the best affirmations for you and your situation.


Take a moment to think of all the beliefs that come up when you think about your stressful event. Do you worry about not knowing what to say at a party, or freezing while you try to give a presentation? Write down every negative thought that pops into your head. Make the conscious decision to move away from those negative beliefs.


2. Turn the Negatives into Positives

Now you have your list of negative thoughts; you can take each one and turn it into an extreme positive opposite. Make strong positive statements and remind yourself of times in the past when you coped well in similar situations.


When you develop your affirmations, tie them back to times when you have succeeded in the past. If you can’t think of any, ask your partner, friend, or colleague to help you. Likely they’ll have a much more positive view of your skills and achievements than you do!


Write down some encouraging phrases to get you through, like ‘I’m feeling stressed, but I will be ok,’ ‘I can do this,’ ‘When this is over, I will be so proud of myself.’


“Every Day In Every Way, I’m Getting Better and Better.”


3. Keep Your Affirmations Realistic

Affirmations are not magic. Keep your affirmations in proportion to what you can do and how you feel. If they are too ambitious, they can make you feel more anxious than before.  And if you have a misstep or you fail, then you’ll feel even worse than before.


Maybe you get anxious about public speaking, whether it’s giving a presentation or having a job interview. Your affirmations will help you even more if you know you have done everything possible to be prepared.


If you worry about getting stage fright or going blank, prepare every aspect of your speech or presentation. Remind yourself that you know how to do this, you know your subject.


Anticipate what might go wrong and work out strategies to prevent or deal with it, from having spare notes in case the technology fails to having a glass of water nearby if you feel apprehensive.




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Why You Need to Let That Anger Go

Many of us have been taught that anger is a bad thing. Your parents, teachers, and other authority figures reminded you to reign in your outbursts. You have probably shared that with your children or others. Yes, there are times when getting angry helps you. It might spur you on to change. However, holding onto anger can affect you, your relationships, and your health. When you strive to let go of those things that don’t serve you or your goals, letting go of anger should be at the top of your list.


How Anger Harms Your Health and Wellbeing 😡


Think about the last outburst you had. Do you remember how your body tensed up? Did you see fear creep into your partner’s eyes as your face turned red?   Uncontrolled anger will cost you many things, including your health. Here is how living in a state of rage hurts your overall well-being:


* Your Heart Breaks: This isn’t heartbreak from losing the love of your life, though it could happen. Outbursts may put you at a greater risk of a heart attack. Repressed anger is no better as it may be associated with heart disease.

* Your Stroke Risk Increases: Some studies suggest that you may be three times more likely to have a stroke after an outburst.

* Your Immune System Takes a Hit: Want to ward off sickness? Get rid of the anger. It’s possible to lose some significant infection-fighting power when you stay angry.

* Your Anxiety May Skyrocket: Anger may exacerbate your anxiety, making day-to-day living much harder. Internalized anger may do the most damage.

* Your Lifespan May be Shortened: Anger causes your body to live in a constant state of stress. Stress is linked to your overall well-being. That’s to say – staying angry equals a short lifespan.


3 Tips to Start Letting the Anger Go 


Anger robs you of reaching your goals and dreams. Here are three steps to help you rid yourself of residual anger:


1. Determine where the anger comes from. Are you angry at your upbringing? Did you have an ex-spouse do your wrong? Now is the time to figure out why you are mad, so you can let it go.

2. Institute some relaxation techniques. From “Winning Ways Within” self-hypnosis audios to deep breathing, finding the relaxation techniques that work for you will ensure you are headed in the right direction.

3. Take a time out. Sometimes, you need to remove yourself from the situation or people. If at all possible, do so. The break will help you step back, assess the situation, and cool down.


Anger doesn’t have to rule your life. Choose to let it go and replace it with constructive personal growth.


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Become a fearless flyer

Fear of flying is a real thing, but it doesn’t have to be. With Winning Ways Within© Fearless Flying, hypnosis hypnotherapy with Martin Kiely Hypnosis Centre, Cork, Ireland, you can overcome your fear and become a fearless flyer.


What are you waiting for?


Don’t let fear of flying stop you from living your dream of visiting faraway places or enjoying the time spent with family and friends. By overcoming your fear, you can reclaim your life and fly without fear.


Overcome the odds


We offer an evidence-based programme that will help you destroy every single reason that keeps you from staying calm, relaxed, confident and in control while flying. With our help, you will learn how to overcome lack of self-belief and procrastination.


You’ll also learn how to release and let go of unwanted, negative subconscious beliefs that hold you back from achieving success.


And finally, we’ll teach you hypnosis strategies and techniques for real flying success. Have greater courage when it comes to flying.


How can I help you transform your life?


If you want to schedule a 1-to-1 call to learn more about hypnosis, strategies and techniques for real fearless flying success – Click Contact Us.


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Why Is It Important To Let Go of What Doesn’t Serve You?

Throughout life, we experience situations that leave a lasting mark. We accumulate items that bring us joy or serve a particular service. There comes a time when you reach a fork in the road toward your personal growth. You can take one lane, and everything stays the same. You have the same job, friends, and routines. The other path takes you on a new adventure with possibly new friends, a business venture, or other opportunities. However, it comes at a price… you must let go of things that no longer serve you. You may understand what that means, but do you know why it is vital to your growth?


Why Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You Is Critical to Your Well-being  🚩


Choosing what to let go of looks different to each of us. It may mean letting go of stuff and clutter, a horrible job situation, or a previously valued relationship. Each case has different levels of difficulty, but you and your well-being will enjoy the benefits of letting go:


1. You regain emotional energy. If one of the things you need to let go of is a grudge, then you know the amount of energy you have spent in anger and hurt. But to what end? You may have inadvertently pushed away friends and family while living in your pain. Stop the energy-suck by forgiving the culprit and moving on to better things.

2. You regain your identity. A painful relationship may leave you questioning who you are. Letting toxic relationships go allows you to rediscover who you are and dream about what you’d like to do with your future.

3. You open the opportunity for change. Keeping yourself tied to the same job because of fear prevents you from jumping on opportunities to get that new career or start a business. Let go of the fear and embrace the possibilities.

4. You rediscover your joy. When you dread going to your job or going out to dinner with your critical in-laws, you have lost your happiness. It may be time to relook at your career choices or find ways to limit contact with your extended family.

5. You regain focus. In our distracted society, the day-to-day stuff in our lives burdens us all. Smartphones and social media have a way of keeping us from focusing on what matters. Regain your focus by putting the phone down and letting go of the need to be constantly scrolling through social media.


Moving forward to reach your goals requires letting go. It’s vital to your success, so why not start today? ✅


How can I help you transform your life? 


If you want to schedule a 1-to-1 call to learn more about hypnosis, strategies and techniques for real life success – Click Contact Us… 


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