Learn Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Ireland 2020

Learn Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Ireland 2020

At Martin Kiely Hypnosis Centre, Cork, Ireland we provide HYPNOSIS HYPNOTHERAPY services to help people with common every problems. We help clients GAIN CONTROL, ACHIEVE GOALS FASTER for REAL LIFE RESULTS. We also train professional hypnotists hypnotherapists.

Have you a desire to learn Hypnosis Hypnotherapy in Ireland 2020?

We provide the very best in hypnosis hypnotherapy training using the INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED CORE-CURRICULUM approved by the National Guild of Hypnotists.

The course is practical and down-to-earth, concentrating on the how-to-do-it aspects and is designed to give the participants a working understanding of hypnotism. By means of supervised practice sessions, you will be trained to actually produce the hypnotic state and use it skilfully and effectively.

This course will help you to master your hypnotism skills and increase your results.

Upon successful completion of all class hours, plus hands-on practice and independent study, students will be eligible for examination leading to graduation as an NGH Certified Hypnotist/Hypnotherapist.

If your intention is to learn Hypnosis Hypnotherapy in Ireland but are still trying to decide what training is right for you click on the image below for more information…

Learn Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Ireland

If there is any way that I can help you personally you can contact me for more information and I’ll speak with you directly. I would love to show you how Hypnosis can work for you. We can talk about designing a programme specifically to meet your individual goals.

When you contact me. You can ask me any questions that you may have about the NGH Hypnosis Certification Training to determine if it’s a right fit for you.

Call me at 021-4870870

Should you wish to email me you can do so at: [email protected]

Or go to the ‘Contact Us’ web page [here]

Learn Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Ireland 2020

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Stop Smoking Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Cork Irelandd

Stop Smoking Hypnosis Cork Ireland

Stop Smoking Hypnosis Cork Ireland

When you are ready to stop smoking for good, then you are ready for hypnosis hypnotherapy. At Martin Kiely Hypnosis Centre our professional goal is for you to stop smoking as soon as possible.

A specifically tailored Stop Smoking hypnosis hypnotherapy session is a powerful technique that can help you. Just like it has helped millions of other people to take back control and stop using tobacco, whether it’s cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars or pipe tobacco. Take back control and quit the habit, for good.

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Martin Kiely Sports Hypnotist Cork, Ireland Tel:021-4870870

Sports Hypnosis Cork Ireland

How You Perform in Sport is Largely a Product of Your State of Mind.

It’s a complex set of thoughts, images and feelings that shapes your attitudes and mood as you prepare for and go about your performance.

Your state of mind Influences the choices you make, the results you achieve and ultimately the life you create.

I’m a Board Certified Hypnotist and Certified Instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists who are the oldest and largest hypnotism organization in the world. I am the NGH Ambassador for Ireland and I have been in full time practice in Cork, Ireland since 1989.

I specialise in Sports Hypnosis to help you using individual hypnotic techniques. I help you to Gain Control, Achieve Goals Faster for Real Sports Performance results.

I would love to show you how Sports Hypnosis can work for you.

  • LEARN the cutting edge techniques to help improve your Sports Performance.
  • LEARN how you can easily shift from one FRAME OF MIND to another, from ONE MOOD to another—in as little as 15 seconds.
  • LEARN Self-hypnosis techniques that give you maximum choice about how you FEEL so you can access full resourcefulness on demand.

You can easily choose the emotional state that supports your Sports Performance when you need get in the Zone or Flow State — Feel Calm, Relaxed, In Control, Confident, Focused, Determined, Motivated.

Accomplish your true Sporting Performance with greater ease, joy, satisfaction and achievement.

If there is any way that I can help you personally you can contact me for more information and I’ll speak with you directly.

We’ll talk about designing a programme specifically to meet your individual sporting goals.

Sports Hypnosis hypnotherapy used to improve performance.

Sports hypnosis refers to the use of hypnotherapy with athletes in order to enhance sporting performance. Hypnosis is a form of mental training and can therefore contribute to enhancing athletic execution. Sports hypnosis can be designed to meet performance goals in a wide variety of sports.

For more information about Sports Hypnosis Cork, Ireland you can email me at: [email protected]

Hypnosis in Sports

Sports Hypnosis


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Stop Smoking Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Cork Ireland

Stop Smoking Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Cork Ireland

Stop Smoking Hypnosis Hypnotherapy with Martin Kiely Hypnosis Centre

When you are ready to stop smoking for good, then you are ready for hypnosis hypnotherapy. At Martin Kiely Hypnosis Centre our professional goal is for you to stop smoking as soon as possible.

Stop Smoking Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Cork Ireland

A specifically tailored Stop Smoking hypnosis hypnotherapy session is a powerful technique that can help you. Just like it has helped millions of other people to take back control and stop using tobacco, whether it’s cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars or pipe tobacco. Take back control and quit the habit, for good.

Stop Smoking Hypnosis

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2018 National Guild of Hypnotists Convention

2018 National Guild of Hypnotists Convention is August 10-12

Whether hypnosis is your profession now, a supplemental service you offer, or the profession you dream of having, you need to be part of the 2018 NGH Convention.

For thirty years, the National Guild of Hypnotists has convened its annual convention and educational conference for the express purpose of providing its members and interested attendees the highest-quality, targeted learning, growth, and networking experiences. Although the curriculum of seminars and courses is based on three decades of experience in delivering strategic learning opportunities, the sessions are always fresh, inspiring, and jam-packed with information.

If you are serious about becoming the best version of yourself, equipped with professional hypnosis training that is both timely and timeless, then don’t be distracted by smoke, mirrors, or neon lights. The National Guild of Hypnotist Convention is the defining event in the profession and attending it is the most important step you can take in your career.

    Gain new connections with professionals from around the world.
    Discover tested strategies, programs, and techniques
    Increase confidence, expand your ideas, enrich your spirit.
    Learn to market your practice more effectively using modern tools.


A 3-day weekend which offers over 300 seminars and workshops presented by more than 180 different speakers.

A unique opportunity to combine professional networking, learning and growth, personal fulfillment, friendship, self-nurturing and play.

An environment that offers a sense of connectedness and encourages long-term linkages of its participants.

A powerful personal and professional experience that will stay with you long after you return home.

Join professional hypnotists this August in Marlborough, MA, USA and see for yourself why the National Guild of Hypnotists are known as the OLDEST, LARGEST, AND FRIENDLIEST event for consulting hypnotists!

The 2018 National Guild of Hypnotists Convention is August 10-12

Interested in registering? Click the following image:

National Guild of Hypnotists Convention
National Guild of Hypnotists Convention


















2018 National Guild of Hypnotists Convention is August 10-12


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