emotional problems


3 Emotions You Should Let Go

Emotions are part of our everyday life. None of us will go through a day without experiencing some kind of emotion, be it fear, anger, happiness, or joy. Some people hang on to negative emotions instead of feeling them and letting them go.

If you tend to hold onto your negative emotions, you may find that your life is affected, including your relationships. It can hinder the pursuit of goals. If left alone long enough, you may look back on your life with regret at the wasted years.

Release these 3 Emotions for Greater Personal Growth

There is a time for experiencing all of your emotions. You don’t want to get stuck in the quagmire of these three negative emotions, however:

1. Regret: Who hasn’t second-guessed their decisions? Maybe you are going through some financial stress, and you wish you didn’t buy that expensive new truck. You might which you would have chosen a different career or spouse. You will regret some of your choices; however, you don’t want to get stuck looking back so much that you stop living in the present and planning for your future. It’s okay to look back and feel the emotion, but don’t stop there. Learn the lesson, and move on with your life.

2. Anger: Getting mad happens. You may have an off day and yell at your kids or partner for a simple mistake. Other times, you might have a good reason to be mad, but you refuse to work through it. Instead, you want to hang on and carry a grudge. Anger affects your health. It also pushes your loved ones away. Don’t let anger control your life and reduce your chances of future happiness. Learn healthy mechanisms to control your outbursts. Extend forgiveness, even if the other person doesn’t ask for it. You are releasing the pain that has been defining you. That is a huge step in personal growth.

3. Disappointment: This close cousin to regret, disappointment is directed at other people when they don’t live up to your expectations. For example, your co-worker failed to do their part for the upcoming presentation. You may be a little mad, but you are disappointed because you have always known them to be reliable. Living in a constant state of disappointment will affect your relationships. You may come across as cynical and push people away from you. Understand that people will disappoint you, but you don’t have to turn your disappointment into distrust. It’s critical to offer some grace and move on.

You will always have to handle your emotions. But when they threaten to overwhelm your happiness, it is time to let them go.

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Hypnosis for Positive Thinking

Hypnosis for Positive Thinking

(Click on the PLAY BUTTON to view video. Ensure your speakers are turned ON.)

Hypnosis for positive thinking.

Learn how you can improve your body’s immunity and reach your personal best by harnessing the power of your subconscious mind!

Positive thoughts alone have the power to produce certain bio-chemicals within the body, comparable to those you would find in a pharmacy minus the side effects and high cost!

Positive thinkers are not just wasting time thinking up futile thoughts that merely lift their mood. Studies demonstrate that the mind can provide comfort beyond the here and now – it can actually improve our immunity.

Hypnosis for Positive Thinking

In the simplest terms, your mental thoughts generate emotions that stimulate organs that release endorphins and other bio-chemicals that impact your health. The process is natural, free, and effective.

Learning how to think positive can be key to assisting recovery and overall good health. Spend at least 30 minutes per day, three times a week using self-hypnosis techniques and visualizing positive thoughts.

Whether you feel it happening or not, your positive thoughts are releasing healing remedies within your body, in the form of bio-chemicals. Learn to improve your immunity and lead the healthiest life possible by training yourself to think positively, and use self-hypnosis to help support the effort. You will find yourself leading a long, happy life.

People who struggle to relax can easily change by listening to “Profound Mind & Body Relaxation”, a 22-minute self-hypnosis audio.

Hypnosis for Positive Thinking

Stress has been clinically proven to be at the root of over 90% of physical disorders and the cause of most emotional problems. Reducing stress levels increases immune system function, reduces physical problems and creates a positive mindset for a healthier life. Receive the tremendous benefits of reducing stress with your FREE Profound Mind & Body Relaxation MP3 Audio.

Get started. Take a look if you want to win the game of relaxation! If you’re already stressed, what have you got to lose?


For more information contact Martin Kiely Hypnosis Centre, Cork, Ireland

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 021-4870870

Improve your body’s immunity with hypnosis for positive thinking.

Hypnosis for Positive Thinking
Hypnosis for positive thinking. Learn how you can improve your body’s immunity and reach your personal best by harnessing the power of your subconscious mind!

Hypnosis for positive thinking

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