Stop Self Sabotage


7 Personal Belongings We Can Let Go

Decluttering gives you the orderliness that encourages creativity and a healthier lifestyle. Your stress levels will dissipate when you choose to declutter and organize your home. For example, seeing a kitchen counter cleared of mail from the past six years is a godsend. However, choosing what to keep and what to ditch can be taxing.

You may struggle over items of sentimental value. You may feel guilty over the money ‘wasted’ or make excuses to keep things. Part of expanding your horizons and attaining your goals begins with your ability to release those things that no longer serve you. Personal belongings are an excellent place to start.

Personal Belongings that Weigh You Down

We struggle with getting rid of items, especially if they have sentimental value. If you start small and work up to it, you will gain the momentum you need to clear out those extra things weighing you down:

1. Old, Unidentifiable Cords: You probably have a drawer of these. Cords to eReaders, old cell phones, and other electronic devices. There is no need to hold onto those items as they become outdated quickly.

2. Eye Glasses with Outdated Prescriptions: Instead of holding onto glasses that you cannot see out of, donate them. Someone else could get more use out of them, and you can use the space in your drawer.

3. Product Manuals: Almost anything can be found on the Internet, including the product manual for your electric mower. If you must keep the paper version, recycle those you no longer have the product.

4. Sunscreen: Your favorite sunscreen will not last long as its effectiveness breaks down. It’s a good idea to buy new frequently, particularly during summer.

5. Mismatched Socks: Where do all the socks go? That is the question plaguing many, but that doesn’t mean you need to keep the partner. Unless you want to make sock puppets with your kids, please get rid of them and then throw them out.

6. Plastic Utensils: When you have perfectly good silverware at home, get rid of the plastic stuff. You could take them to work and tuck them in your desk for your brown bag lunch.

7. Old Workout Gear: Kudos to you for keeping up with your exercise routine! Remember that your gear will wear out faster from frequent use than your regular clothes. Keep an eye on them and replace them often.

Decluttering personal belongings begins with small steps, but it brings lasting results. Enjoy a cleaner home and a clearer mind to aid you in reaching your goals.

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5 Bad Habits that it is Time to Let Go

Part of self-development is learning to let go of those things holding you back. One area of life we all struggle with is habits. Bad habits keep us from losing weight, getting healthier, or finding the next career move. Letting go of these bad habits can be frustrating as they hinder your growth and goals. Once you do, though, you will find a new way of living that helps you achieve your dreams. 🙋

Let Go of These 5 Bad Habits and Thrive

Bad habits are bad for you. They can cause you mental, physical, emotional, and social harm. They may be hard to get rid of, but it is worth it for your well-being. Here are five bad habits to stop today:

1. Neglecting Your Health: You may have many different responsibilities every day. They will eat up your time and your emotions, leaving you depleted. The next thing you know, you stop eating healthy, cease exercise, and gain weight. When this happens, you may become frequently sick and unable to keep up with your responsibilities.

2. Hanging with Negative People: Achieving a goal requires dedication and support. If you are always around others that bring you down, you may give up on your dreams. Feedback is only good when it is constructive. You will be much happier if you hang out with those who support you and provide positive feedback. At the least, learn to limit what you say to the negative people in your life.

3. Pleasing Others: You may want to please others all the time, but the truth is, you will run yourself ragged doing it. Most of the time, those you are trying to please do not appreciate you. Focus on those who do. Stop wasting your efforts on those that don’t appreciate you.

4. Procrastinating: Pushing things off causes stress, and you will not put forth your best work. There are many reasons you may procrastinate. Whatever the reason, you are affecting many aspects of your life, and you need to stop. Instead, aim to be proactive and give yourself the time required to accomplish your tasks or projects. You will soon find yourself becoming more relaxed.

5. Being Tardy: A close cousin to procrastinating, being late makes you feel rushed. You will often feel the stress of constantly playing catch up. (By the way, being late is rude, too.) Ease your hurriedness by training yourself to arrive early to appointments and meetings.

Gain the upper hand in your life when you let go of your bad habits and replace them with positive ones.

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4 Preconceived Notions We Should Probably Let Go

We all have them – those nagging thoughts that creep up when we want to pursue a new career or other personal goals. Preconceived notions hold you back from being the best you possible. They stop you from stepping out and taking needed risks. Your growth should not hinge on faulty views of yourself and your abilities. Instead, grasp the reality that you can attain any goal when you let go of your preconceived notions.

4 Preconceived Notions that Are Holding You Back

When you decide to grow personally or professionally, you may immediately stop as doubt moves in. This often comes because you have preconceived notions that you will not be successful. Once you realize that these ideas are holding you back, you have everything you need to start your success journey:

Lack of Experience: How often have to let an opportunity pass you up because you didn’t feel like you had 100% of the requirements? How else will you gain experience if you don’t try? The willingness to learn is the best skill you can have to thwart any lack of experience. Go ahead and apply for the new position or take the leap into a new adventure.

Lack of Education: It all starts with comparing ourselves to others. You may look at a co-worker who seems lightyears ahead of you in the intelligence arena, but in reality, they are not. You might let your background affect your confidence and tell yourself that you don’t have the right degree. Many times, digging in and trudging through the trenches gives you more education than a college degree.

Wrong Time: You are looking for the perfect time to start your blog or take up skydiving. You calculate and plan, but you never execute. Remember, the best time to start anything is now because time will keep moving even if you are standing still. Do you want to look back a year from now and see that you have not made any progress?

Too Much Knowledge: If you believe you have reached the pinnacle of what you can learn, consider revisiting that idea. Knowledge is power. It can also keep you from growing as a person. Instead, look for new adventures that take you out of your comfort zone. You may find you still have lots to learn.

Embrace the path of continued growth when you ditch your preconceived notions.

Release Whatever No Longer Serves You

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#LetGo #LetGoWhatDoesntServeYou #WinningWaysWithin

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