
You Are Setting Goals the Wrong Way

Goals pave the road to success. How quickly you attain your desired success depends on how well you set your goals. For example, if you say you want to lose weight, that’s great. How much? What will you eat? What kind of exercises will you do? When do you plan on losing that last pound? Making a goal to achieve it is different from speaking a ‘want’ out to the universe. When you understand the difference, you will be amazed at what you will achieve.


4 Ways You Are Goal Setting Wrong


When you want to succeed, you need an action plan that propels you. Properly established goals will do this. Yet, most of us struggle to get this key ingredient right because we:


1. Set unrealistic goals. Brainstorming ideas is a fabulous way to unleash your creativity and help you get set up for achieving your dreams. When you live in that grand dream, you could be setting yourself up for failure. Why? Because you also need to be realistic. Let’s say you want to run an ultramarathon in the next six months, but you haven’t run a 5k, 10k, or marathon. That may be unrealistic.

2. Choose goals that please others. Mom wants you to be a doctor. Dad votes for you to be a lawyer, but you want to be a graphic designer and live life on the road. What do you do? If you try to make your parents happy, you will wind up miserable, and you won’t enjoy the success you hoped for.

3. Underestimate how long it will take to achieve said goals. Just like you need to be realistic in the type of goals you set, you should also be realistic on how long it will take you to achieve them. We often think we know how long something will take, but it usually takes much longer. For example, double it if you think it will take you 30 days to lose 30 pounds.

4. Don’t learn from the setbacks along the way. You will have setbacks, and you should expect them. However, if you get caught up in the apparent ‘failure,’ you miss the opportunity to grow. Accept that you will have those times when it feels like you are getting nowhere with your goals. Avoid the desire to curl up in a ball under your desk. Assess the situation, learn from it, and then keep moving forward.


Give yourself a better chance at reaching your goals when you stop setting goals the wrong way. Be realistic about the type and time. Choose those goals you want to accomplish and then learn from any setbacks. You will be headed toward success and enjoying every minute of it.



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